Samsung Bixby Developer Journey

Samsung has decided to shut down what remains of its Bixby developer marketing team (what was internally called the Samsung Developer Relations team for Bixby) as of September 30, 2020. The move is expected to eliminate five jobs including full-time employees and contractors that have been focused on recruiting developers to support Bixby by creating custom capsules (i.e. Samsung’s version of voice apps). Voicebot reported in an exclusive story in late July that Adam Cheyer, Viv Labs co-founder and Samsung Vice President leading development for Bixby, had left the company. In that same story, we outlined several other departures from the Bixby team:

“In addition, David Oh, who formerly oversaw developer relations has moved to Facebook for a role in developer marketing. Information about these other departures is available on LinkedIn.  It is interesting that two of these people had public-facing roles for the company.”

About the Editor-in-Chief For more than 10 years, Kenneth Fax has been a Senior Technology Executive. Connect, check out the profile on Linkedin.
